Client Management Simplified

AI-powered CRM designed for solo professionals. Simple to use. Seamlessly integrates with email marketing.

Build your contact list.

Sync with email subscribers.

Add notes and meeting recaps.

Filter and search easily.

Track leads and opportunities.

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Best for

Solo Professionals & Freelancers

Coaches, Educators & Trainers

Health & Wellness Professionals

Small Business Owners

Ballet Doodle
Ballet Doodle

Scheduling & Notifications

Automate meeting scheduling & get notifications.
Alerts for client milestones like birthdays & anniversaries.

Workflow & Productivity

Custom pipelines on a Kanban board.
Highlight key leads and capture opportunities without missing out.

Visualization & Analytics

Sales and marketing charts.
Email marketing performance visual insights.

AI & Advanced Features

AI for summaries, notes, and task lists.
In-app video calls with recording and transcription.

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secure FREE Lifetime Premium access.

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